Office Levine 506
Email exwong@cis
Lab Blog

I am an assistant professor at the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania. I lead Brachio Lab on debugging machine learning and making systems actually do what we want them to do. I’m also a part of the ASSET Center on safe, explainable, and trustworthy AI systems. Previously, I completed my PhD at CMU advised by Zico Kolter, and did a postdoc with Aleksander Madry.

PhD applicants: If you’re interested, you will need to

  1. Apply to the CIS department
  2. Select me as a potential advisor in your application.

Undergraduates/masters students: If you are a UPenn student and are interested in doing independent machine learning research, then I would recommend (1) take CIS 5200 (2) read this blog post, and (3) fill out this form. We will be in touch if there is a good fit. I strongly recommend undergraduates take CIS 3333 Mathematics for Machine Learning, which will prepare you for the mathematics behind ML research. If you’re interested in doing advanced research or graduate coursework in AI/machine learning but have taken only the core math requirements of the CS degree, then this course is for you. If you are not at UPenn, I do not currently have opportunities for external students.

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